Your first appointment begins with a brief review of your medical history and current physical health. This is a time for us to get acquainted and learn what you need from your massage. Choose a full-body massage or a more in-depth treatment of a particular area (for example neck, back and shoulders). Then undress in privacy and lie down under a flannel sheet on a comfortably padded massage table. For a full-body massage most people undress completely, but underwear is left on or off at your discretion. Therapeutic massage is safe and non sexual, and you will always be professionally draped during your massage.
This is your time. You may want to close your eyes, focus inward, or just sink into relaxation. Do whatever feels most comfortable, but don't hesitate to ask questions or report any discomfort. I will coax your muscles to relas using long sweeping strokes, prssure, kneading, trigger point work, and other therapeutic techniques. My trained hands detect restriction, tightness or injury in the texture of the muscle and focus on areas needing more attention.
Massage to treat a painful injury or tender area may at first cause some discomfort, which usually lessens noticeably in the first few minutes. Using your feedback and my techniques to minimize pain, I will work within what feels right to you.
Why a Message Therapist Needs a Medical History.
In addition to determining areas that need special attention, there are a few cases when massage could be harmful to health and healing, such as certain skin conditions, acute injuries and some circulatory problems.
Length of the Massage.
The actual massage lasts about one hour or longer if you choose. You will need to allow for extra time for getting undressed and dressed, and to relax and reorient yourself after the massage.
After the Massage.
After the massage, I will again leave you in privacy to reenter this world and to dress. Give yourself a moment to reorient before slowly getting up from the massage table. You will probably rise with the rosy cheeks of a child getting up from a nap. I have usually manage to dishevel your hair as well!